Our Products

Aluminum Structures

Typical Wide Flange Structures, Typical Lattice Structures. Alum-Elec Structures offers you more through economy, flexibility, ease of construction and modificatioin. View Products Here.


Our extruded channels and special fasteners eliminate the need for field drilling of holes when mounting any type of equipment and also make expansion or modification a simple operation.


Pre-assembly of all major parts by us speeds erection and reduces construction site labor and time.


Lightweight, high strength aluminum reduces the need for heavy cranes in the field, reduces corrosion and gives a neat final appearance.


Let adapt our aluminum extrusions and special fasteners to your next substation needs. We will furnish cost figures if you will send us the following information:

      1. Voltage of incoming and outgoing lines
      2. Your requirements for line tention and maximum take-off angle
      3. Specify if lines will be above or below ground
      4. Number of outgoing feeders (present and future)
      5. Minimum clearance for equpment to be installed in the area of the structure
      6. A one-line diagram to show your specific requirements
      7. If you have a preference as to manufacturer of equipment to be installed on structure, please specify it.

Aluminum Multiform Structures

Alum-Elec Structures, Inc., also offers a patented aluminum multi-form beam substation structure design. View Products Here.


Unique Mechanical design plus use of a high strength aluminum alloy (6061-T6) developed specifically for structural applications, provides these advantages in station construction:

  • Low initial installation cost
  • Ease of assembly
  • Ease of expansion
  • Ease of modification
  • Flexibility
  • Low maintenance cost
  • Neat appearance
  • Lightweight - 45% of the weight of steel with equivalent strength

Aluminum Structures are applicable to various station structures including:

  • Transmission and distribution line termination
  • Transformer bays
  • Breaker installation
  • Transfer bus structures
  • Capacitor installation
  • Switching structures
  • Regulator platforms
  • Industrial stations

Consider the use of Alum-Elec Structures for your particular station structure needs from the standpoint of pre-engineering, low construction consts, ease of manpower, availability. We can provide either the station structures alone or a complete distribution station design from the transmission line to the distribution feeders for 4KV, 12KV, 20KV, 34,5KV, 69KV, 750-5000KVA Stations for utility or industrial use.


For quotations, please provide us with the following information:


1. Mechanical Specifications

(a) Station Layout

(b) Line Termination

(c) Conductor size, tension, number of lines

2. Electric Specifications

(a) Transmission line voltage

(b) Distribution line voltage

(c) Transformer bank KVA


Galvanized Steel Structures

Alum-Elec Structures offers a quality galvanized steel structure along with many other galvanized products. View Product Images


We will fabricate to your design or let our engineering staff design to your needs.


  • Square Tube Structures
  • Round Pipe Structures
  • Wide Flange Beam Structures
  • Lattice Style Structures.

We will furnish cost figures if you will send us the following information:

      1. Voltage of incoming and outgoing lines
      2. Your requirements for line tention and maximum take-off angle
      3. Specify if lines will be above or below ground
      4. Number of outgoing feeders (present and future)
      5. Minimum clearance for equpment to be installed in the area of the structure
      6. A one-line diagram to show your specific requirements
      7. If you have a preference as to manufacturer of equipment to be installed on structure, please specify it

In-House Bus Conductor Fabrication

Alum-Elec Structures, Inc., offers bus conductors in many different sizes and colors.


3 1/4 X 3 1/4 X 1/4 U.A.B.C. (6101-T6 ALLOY)
4 X 4 X 1/4 U.A.B.C. (6101-T6 ALLOY)
4 X 4 X 3/8 U.A.B.C. (6101-T6 ALLOY)


Anodized colors available for all of the above.


Substation Products

Alum-Elec Structures Inc., offers custom built transformer and regulator pole mounted platforms. They are designed for a specific pole-to-pole centerline dimension; however, they are adjustable from up to plus or minus 18 inches.


Alum-Elec Structures Inc., offers many different galvanized steel and aluminum substation products:

  • Grounding Platforms
  • Primary Meter Mounts
  • Insulator Height Adaptors
  • Anchor Bolts


Company Profile

Alum-Elec Structures Staff PictureAlum-Elec Structures, Inc. is located in Kendallville, Indiana. We specialize in the design and fabrication of substation structures for electrical utilities...
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